Why Working Out Means You’re More Likely To Be Bitten
Summer is awesome. It’s a time for catching up with friends, topping up your tan and getting mosquito bites – okay, so not ALL great. We’ve all experienced the fear that strikes when hearing that familiar buzzing that results in the most frustrating and itchy bites that promise to test our patience for the next week.
But, are some people more attractive than others when it comes to the little pests? Apparently, they are and unfortunately, it could be you fitfam. It turns out that working out can make you more susceptible to bites. Why? Well, it’s down to a variety of factors.
Firstly, mosquitos love carbon dioxide. A study showed that pregnant women, who produce 20% more C02, get bitten more often. When we work out, we breathe heavier and our C02 output is increased making us more likely to be the target of a bite.
Scientists have now found that mozzies are also drawn to lactic acid. When we sweat, our body is detoxifying. Lactic acids are included in the metabolic waste that your body gets rid of and the mosquitos love it. It’s important as disposal of these acids help to increase the muscles’ oxygen uptake and speeds recovery.
This doesn’t mean you should just ditch your workouts, just be weary and perhaps avoid the rooftop yoga class if you’re particularly vulnerable.
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There are other influences such as blood type. Certain blood types have been found to suffer more than others. Those with type O are twice as likely to be bitten than any other type.
Also, how hot you are can have an impact as your blood is closer to the surface. Sticking to shaded areas will help protect you.
If you are going to brave the outside for your evening jog, wear light colors as it will make you blend into the background and the mosquitos will be less likely to come for you.
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