The Supplements To Help Fuel You During Sleep
While you’re sleeping, there are 6-9 hours of potential gains not being used. Well, we can’t allow that to happen.
So, to make the most of your evenings, try not to reach for the snacks while watching TV and remember that your body is still ticking over while you snooze, so you can still make gains if you take the four following supplements.
Fuel your body while sleeping with TFH’s pick of four proven supplements you should take before hitting the sack so you’re better tomorrow than you were today.
Build muscle with casein protein
Protein supplements have been a staple of exercise aficionados around the globe for decades. They can be taken before or after workouts and used as a meal supplement, but you can also guzzle one before bed.
Researchers at Maastricht University, Holland, found casein protein taken before bed provides a gradual release of amino acids into the blood through the night, thus helping to maintain rates of protein synthesis, which is essential for muscle growth. Not in a Hulk way, more in a Scarlett Johansson Black Widow fashion.
Melatonin burns stubborn fat
This is a hormone that helps regulate your internal body clock (circadian cycle). What’s more, it will also increase the quality of your slumber, according to the Sleep Health Foundation.
Also, scientists at the University of Granada, Spain, found melatonin consumption can control weight gain because it stimulates ‘beige fat’, a type of fat cell that burns calories, hence its metabolic benefits. A better night’s sleep and waking up leaner? What more could a girl want?
Magnesium makes you brainer
Known as the mellow supplement, magnesium can improve your quality of sleep when taken 30-60 minutes before bed. It’s also been shown to boost brain power while you’re in the land of Nod, and, according to the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, it improve sleep efficiency. The power of a good night’s sleep will put the spring in your step and the extra bite in your sweat sessions.
Recover faster with ZMA
Zinc monomethionine aspartate (ZMA) has long been touted as one of the leading supplements when it comes to repairing muscle overnight and inducing recovery, following a study at Western Washington University, US.
Also, the Irish Sports Council found zinc could boost your immune function, which will keep you in the gym for longer. The regulation of deeper sleep cycles by taking zinc can also help replenish energy levels for your workout next morning. Win-win.
- Your night time nutrition benefits
- Extension of protein synthesis
- Increased calorie burn at night
- Reduced morning cravings
- Enhanced recovery
Find nutritional and health advice and more in every issue of TRAIN for HER magazine.