How To Stay On Track During The Holiday Season
The holiday season is upon us and unfortunately, calories are not free during this magical time of year. If you don’t want to be sitting on Grandma’s tower of cream puffs and Uncle Joe’s famous cheesy potato dish, then you need to come up with a game plan to avoid packing on the pounds this holiday season.
Here are a few ideas to help you stay on track toward your goals.
Hit the gym
Usually, people give you plenty of notice as to when holiday parties will be held, so plan your workout routine accordingly and make sure you hit the gym if you are planning to have a treat at the holiday gathering. Don’t skip the gym just because it’s the holidays.
One plate, one drink
Moderation is the name of the game here. Whether it’s a gathering with a sit-down meal or one where you are carrying your hor d’oeuvre plate around, only have one plate and one drink.
This is especially helpful if you have more than one holiday party to attend in a single evening. And after you’ve had your one plate and one drink, remember to stick to water.
Avoid trigger foods
If you know having even a taste of that pecan pie with spiced rum frosting is going to lead to an all out derailment of your diet, avoid it until you are able to enjoy it in moderation. If just have to cave or the holidays won’t be the same then practice the three-bite rule for moderation.
You’ll get that first taste of sweet nostalgia, a second savory bite, and a third satisfying bite to wrap it up and you’ll still feel good. You want the holiday season to be filled with happy memories, not regret and remorse for something you ate.
– READ MORE: 5 Simple Ways To Set and Achieve Your Goals –
Just say no
Willpower is like a muscle – work it and it’ll get stronger. Your friends and family aren’t working toward your goal, you are, and you’ve got to practice saying no to what doesn’t make you feel good.
Friends and family have a frustrating way of making us feel bad for being mindful about what we put in our bodies as if somehow the party is less fun if we don’t stuff our face. Say no anyway. People will judge harshly what they do not understand but you can feel good knowing you set boundaries for yourself and keep your goals in mind.
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