How Important Is Reducing Your Sugar Intake?
How important is it to keep your sugar intake down while working towards a fat loss goal?
This is a question I get asked a lot about, especially from new clients wanting to start a flexible dieting plan. The reason this question keeps popping up is that lately, you will see all these fit people on social media with a shredded six pack and glorious glutes chowing down on donuts, ice cream, and even ice cream filled donuts! You think, “Wow, now this is a plan I could stick too!”
What you need to understand is that flexible dieting isn’t just about how many donuts you can fit into your week. It’s about being able to live a balanced and sustainable lifestyle while still reaching your fitness goals. So, keeping track of your sugar intake is still very important to not only fat loss but your overall health in general!
Research has shown that people with a higher sugar intake are more susceptible to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, high blood pressure, and cancer. By eliminating high quantities of processed sugars from your diet, you will also lower your risk of developing these conditions. Health should always be your highest priority. Especially if you are trying to keep your physique in tip top shape.
Insulin is a big factor when it comes to your sugar intake. Not only does this affect your pancreas but, it also affects your arteries. When you consume excess sugar, your body won’t be able to respond to insulin properly and your pancreas will start pumping out even more insulin. This raises your blood sugar levels eventually setting you up for type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
– RELATED: Are You Addicted To Sugar? –
When you have extra insulin in your bloodstream your arteries are also going to suffer which in turn affects your entire circulatory system. This adds extra stress to your heart, which can lead to heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks. Studies have shown that if your sugar intake is less than 10% of your total calories you are half as likely to die from heart disease than if it’s above 25%.
Sugar is basically an empty calorie, as I’m sure you all have heard before. It has also been known to have very little effect on satiety (how full you feel from the calories you eat) which can make it very difficult to keep your intake down while dieting and working towards a fat loss goal. If your macros are already getting low, the last thing you want to do is eat foods that won’t make you feel full and cause you to become ravenous and binge.
The best thing to do is to eat foods that are going to fill you up when your hunger is high. The ideal foods to choose are low glycaemic carbs, carbs that are packed full of fiber. They will help keep you full longer and keep you from feeling energy deprived.
Sugar intake is all about balance, just like your flexible dieting plan. Having sugar in your diet is definitely not going to kill you, but too much of anything can have negative effects in the long term. Never forget the importance of your health and keep in mind what your goal is while dieting. That way you can plan your day accordingly and get the most out of your flexible dieting plan.
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