Your Natural Scent Makes You More Attractive
We might try to hide it from our other half, but the fact is we all sweat. Especially at the gym. Giving your all during spin or finally beating your PB at the squat rack, whatever you’re doing, it’s not unusual to be drenched in your hard work.
While you may have time to shower after, if you don’t, reaching for your perfume might not be the next best option. Dousing yourself in your Marc Jacobs Daisy could be harming your sexual appeal as research shows your body odor is actually more attractive than the notes of your favorite spray.
A study published in the Psychological Science journal tested men’s testosterone levels, which is linked with sexual interest, and found that they were significantly higher when they smelt the shirt of a women who was ovulating.
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Two studies were carried out by psychologists John Maner and Saul Millar from Florida State University. Women were asked to wear t-shirts for three nights during various phases of their menstrual cycles.
A group of 68 men were split into group and then asked to small the t-shirts. Some of the t-shirts had been worn by the women and some hadn’t been worn at all. The results showed that after the men had smelt the shirts, the clothes worn by fertile women were rated highest for pleasantness.
This isn’t a new idea however, the combo of pheromones and allure was always reserved for men, but this research makes us think that perhaps it could work the other way around.
Next date night, maybe leave the spray at home and stick to au naturel.
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