Janet Solbakken Proves It’s Never Too Late To Get Into Shape
Janet Solbakken took control of her health, and discovered all the adventure that a fit life really has to offer.
TRAIN FOR HER: How much has your weight fluctuated over the years?
When I first left high school, I had got to 268 pounds and freaked out. I got back to 205 pounds, but the weight crept back on slowly until I reached 295. Again, I managed to drop the weight, reaching 210. My cycle wasn’t over though; I hit 390, managing to get back down to 260 pounds. With each successive weight loss, I actually gained weight after.
What was your turning point?
At 49, I weighed 379lb. I was in Mexico with a friend and we were walking. She was walking fast and we were heading up a slight incline. Because I was trying to keep up, I pushed myself physically, and my heart started beating so hard. It was the first time I thought I might actually have a heart attack. That was my wake up call.
Feeling my heart pound like that made me realize how sick I was and that I could actually die. That experience made me face the fact that I just didn’t feel good. I was scared because I started to think about how I might need someone take care of me. I was 49 and, all of a sudden, I started to notice that getting up off the couch was a big deal; forget bending down or picking something up off the floor.
How did you gain control again?
I went for a walk. There’s a mall that’s about three miles from my house, so I decided I would walk there and back. On that walk, I saw a sign for personal training for “ungifted athletes,” so I signed up.
How did you change your diet in the beginning?
I was still eating some junk food – particularly candy – but I started
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