Heidi Cannon Went From Ordinary To Extraordinary
Heidi Cannon was over being average and decided to create something extraordinary with her physique.
Changing goal posts
Growing up, I was skinny fat. I’d skip breakfast and drink endless cups of coffee. Lunch was pizza or fast food, and dinner would be the same. I napped a lot, and yet was always tired. I didn’t drink much water and when I thought I was eating well, it would be a chicken dinner with stuffing and all the fixings.
The turning point
Getting ready for my wedding day, I hired a friend of mine who was a trainer and never looked back. Part of me had toyed with the idea of competing and after prepping for my wedding, I decided to give it a shot. I placed second in my first fitness show and was hooked.
One year and three shows later, I turned pro. I missed eating sweets, so I started playing around with baking and creating healthier versions of treats with protein powder and alternate ingredients that were much lower in calories and better for you.
My diet
I typically eat about 2000 calories per day, mainly consisting of proteins such as chicken, turkey and fish. I don’t eat any red meat, as I personally find it difficult to digest. My carb sources include foods such as rice, sweet potatoes and yams. Some of my favorite veggies are broccoli, green beans, peppers, asparagus and tomatoes.
My workout
Depending on the time of year and what events I’m training for at the time, cardio will definitely vary. In the spring and summer, I train for half marathons and full marathon cycling events.
My biggest challenges
It’s tough going out for dinner or lunch with friends or family. It’s difficult to be around temptation, but the feelings I have after eating something less healthy are not worth it.
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