Hashtag #Failure
Hashtag #Failure
What you choose to focus on, what that means to you and how that makes you act are the laws that will always govern your life. So what happens when you singe your cerebral cortex with images of women rocking impossibly good bodies every time you get a little down time? Nothing good, say researchers at Flinders University, Australia. They found young women’s self-esteem and mood plummeted after looking at fitness inspiration posts and the motivational posts didn’t help either. So you feel like the ugly kid in school and while these women felt like they’d worked out harder, they didn’t run further or faster. Looking at fit-looking women only makes the training seem harder – talk about a fitfluencer rip-off that’s akin to reverse psychology. Rather follow those who can give you workouts you can follow and usable tips you can copy, not selfie-obsessed narcists who you need to unfollow if you ever want to be truly happy.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Research Rating 4/6
Lean Sleeping
When it comes to sleep, your childhood-enforced bedtime probably conditioned you to embrace adulthood by going to sleep whenever you damn well felt like it. Yo-yo bedtimes may be your way of adulting like a boss, but like your mortgage, you could be overpaying for life. Women who had a regular bedtime ritual by going to sleep at the same time each night, lost roughly one pound of body fat over six weeks compared to those women who decided to sleep whenever they felt like it, found a study presented at the American Heart Association. This strategy stabilized their circadian rhythm which helped combat obesity. Alarm clocks aren’t just for waking up because it’s better to set one to send yourself to sleep. It’s the easiest win you can enjoy, right at the end of day.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Research Rating 4/6