Emily Vavra – Fresh Perspective
Emily Vavra is a millionaire entrepreneur who still makes the time to inspire others while looking her best. This is her advice to you to begin creating the life you’ve always wanted.
Motivation to stay fit isn’t something that’s always set to max levels. This is something Emily is acutely aware of and she offers some sage advice about how to stoke your motivational fire. “Regardless of how busy you are in life, you should always find time for things that are important to you,” explains Emily. “Creating space for your workout time is imperative. Whether that means getting up an hour earlier or getting in a workout after you put your kids to bed, it might also mean instead of scrolling on social media for an hour during your lunch break, you take a walk or get a workout in. Alleviating the guesswork in your daily routine helps avoid frustration and put an end to not follow through with the commitment you made to yourself. I would suggest finding a friend to hold each other accountable. When I first started my fitness journey, a girlfriend and I would go to the gym together at five am. It not only allowed us to push each other but held us both to a standard that we weren’t used to. I didn’t just get up for myself, but I got up for her.”
Time Management
Emily is a renowned speaker who has shared the stage with people like Tony Robbins and Grant Cardon while developing 150, 000 people strong network marketing team. Needless to say, she does everything she can to optimize her day. “Throughout the years of pursuing fitness, my training routines have changed quite a bit,” explains Emily. “What I have found that works best for me is doing exercises that are more low impact, more lengthening, elongating, and involves more mind-to-muscle connection. My method of working out involves P.Volve and hot yoga. This allows me to sweat out toxins and stretch my muscles from sitting, speaking, and working all day. I also strive to do 10,000 steps a day while listening to personal development podcasts or multitasking with work calls.”
A New Way
From the outside, everyone’s life looks perfect and near effortless, but there is always a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to overcome everyday adversity. “When I first found fitness, I went all-in,” she says. “I was competing and working out multiple times a day. I was so strict that my habits resulted in me having an eating disorder which ultimately led me to find stress-balancing products in Isagenix. I knew I needed to work on my relationship with food, fitness, and loving myself. Instead of caring about my problems and healing, I was more concerned with getting approval from the world with my body when I should have been working on my confidence. At 23 years old, I was not feeling good enough or fit enough and that caused debilitating anxiety. When I think about what advice I would give to someone, the first thing that comes to mind is to look inward. Find a passion outside of fitness that can fuel your drive personally and health-wise. Next, identify someone with the same struggles but also similar desires for more, and in return, you won’t feel so alone. For too long I wore a badge of being an overachiever and that I could do it all by myself. Asking for help felt shameful, and it shouldn’t be. It took me binge-eating three times a week and living an unhealthy lifestyle to finally be honest with myself about my struggles. Once I found a healthy rhythm with food through creating balance, life became more abundant and fulfilling each day.”
Fresh Perspective
Not everybody loves burpees. Okay, so probably nobody likes them, but it’s important to embrace the elements of your routine that you don’t necessarily enjoy and Emily offers a novel perspective. “You may be doing something that isn’t well suited for your body,” she says. “I used to be a big weightlifter, and I no longer am. Once I realized there were other options to achieving the body and lifestyle I wanted, I created a more organic flow through my exercise routine. Sometimes you’re forcing yourself to do things you shouldn’t be. Change is good and being open to this allows you to find the right routine for your body.” This is a big step back from the opinion that everyone should squat, even if your body objects with pain. Find what works for you and stick with it.
Financially Fit
It’s always wise to strike a balance between being budget consciousness while maintaining your health and fitness routine. However, these aren’t two things that are necessarily mutually exclusive. “Let me first remind you that fitness and health is free,” says Emily. “So, if budgeting is tight, realize you can always workout, meditate, stretch, and walk without paying a single dime. I do understand a lot of us need accountability to sustain our goals, including myself, so that’s why you should find budget friendly programs or classes to join. I use P.Volve programs to keep me accountable and on track. As for supplements, the moment I realized I can swap out grocery spending with superfood shakes while getting more nutrients, it was the game changer. Little hacks like this allows you to keep your health goals a priority without breaking the bank.”
Health Goals Done Right
It’s a nice idea to tell people to set goals but often the advice to keep them attainable, measurable, and written down isn’t always easy. “Setting up your life to support your goals is the first step and then reverse engineering your goals is how you’re going to achieve them quicker,” suggests Emily. “Knowing my history with food was an issue, I had to make a conscious decision not to have it in my home. This even goes for healthy food like almond butter tubs. They are way too easy to binge. In return, I was able to go out to restaurants without the guilt of eating what I wanted because I knew this wasn’t part of my daily life, it was just an occasional treat. So, by identifying my struggle (binge eating), revamping my environment and daily life (cleaning out my cabinets of junk), and then reverse engineering my goal of optimal health (booking in workout classes a week ahead), I was able to achieve my goals a lot quicker.”
Helping Others
There’s no point finding success in health and life is you can’t bring others along to enjoy the benefits. “I have found that you can gain personal growth and achievements in this life, but there is genuinely nothing like enhancing some else’s life,” she says. “You can master the science of achievement and become the best of whatever you’re working at, but it’s when you achieve the art of fulfillment that your soul truly feels alive. It took me a while to understand this being an overachiever at first, but once I got it, it changed my mindset forever. Our intentions should always be how we can help another human being by leading as a positive example which is why I created the ItsEmily Method. ( “
Emily’s Typical Day of Eating
“I aim to do 16 hours of fasting (8pm night before – 12pm next day) and an 8 hour eating window. 6x a week,” she explains.
- 7am: Drink 20 oz of water with lemon, take collagen elixir shot, multi-vitamins, and adaptogen tonic.
- 7:30am: Brew organic coffee and sip on through morning
- Every 30-45min aim to drink 12oz of water.
- 12pm: Superfood smoothie including plant-based whole blend protein, frozen avocado, unsweetened almond milk, ice.
- 2pm: BEA sparkling drink and isadelight chocolate for midday pick me up
- 4pm: Superfood smoothie including plant-based whole blend protein, frozen avocado, unsweetened almond milk, ice.
- 7pm: 6oz wild caught halibut, air-fryer asparagus, half of a baked sweet potato with some coconut oil drizzled on top
- 7:45pm: Isadelight chocolate for dessert
- 9pm: Night time routine of Cleanse for Life, multi-vitamins, collagen elixir shot.
Full morning & night routine located here.
Choose Wisely
There are so many supplement companies out there so it’s wise to ask how to make the smartest choices. “I like to think of finding the right supplement company as someone single who’s trying to find their soulmate going on dates,” says Emily. “Just as you might pull up social media to learn more about that person first, you want to do the same with the supplement company. The company must be third-party tested in all of their research and development to make sure outside sources approve their quality. They should also be a company that doesn’t use any artificial preservatives, sweeteners, colors, etc. That may seem like not a big deal, but it matters. Sourcing is everything too. Just because it’s pure whey protein, doesn’t mean it didn’t come from a sick cow that’s packed amongst a thousand others. It’s tough to hear that but it’s true for all ingredient sourcing. You want the highest quality because your body absorbs everything both good and bad. And once you find a company like that my friends, is when you can trust it more and build a great relationship onward.”
Happy Food
There’s a clear link between happiness, success, and motivation with the foods you eat and Emily has her own theory on why. “Raising your frequency is a topic I speak on and believe in tremendously,” she says. “One of the significant ways to raise your frequency is to eat prana-like foods from the Earth which harmonize your body’s system. Science now has proven that every single thing in the universe has a frequency including your emotions and also food. Love, joy, and gratitude emit the highest levels of frequency, but shame, guilt, and anger emit the lowest levels. Raw vegetables and fruit, sprouted grains, and raw nuts emit high levels of frequency while processed foods and bottom feeder fish emit low levels of frequency. So, if we can consume more high frequency foods in our day, science only proves that it will allow us to feel more high frequency emotions. It’s hard to be perfect but I like to use the 80/20 rule; 80% high frequency food and 20% lower frequency.”