Charlotte Oldbury Decided To Put Herself First
After having three children Charlotte Oldbury discovered the possibilities are endless if you have the right levels of determination.
Vital stats
Before: Weight: 125lb, 30% body fat
After: Weight: 118lb, 12% body fat
How did you reach your lowest point?
My husband and I met when I was 15 years old. We married a couple of years after high school and, by 25, I was the mother of three daughters. Each pregnancy was different. When our third daughter was born, I quickly found myself overwhelmed. I had a four-year-old, a two-year-old, and a newborn. I started to feel lost. I remember one day crying to my husband: “This is never going to get any easier!” There I was trying to nurse a newborn, help the two-year-old get to the potty in time, and my four-year-old was asking how to write letters on her Magnadoodle. Frustration, exhaustion, and a waning self-esteem were the perfect combination for a wake-up call. My children needed me and they needed me to be happy.
What was the turning point?
One day, my eldest daughter innocently referred to the fat around my middle as “big bubbles.” That was my turning point. I heard about a fitness challenge called Body for Life. A flame was lit – I needed to do this. It was time to stop feeling sorry for myself and stop pushing my husband away because I was embarrassed by my appearance.
How did you start?
For 12 weeks I ate according to my first ever meal plan. I exercised at home and used dumbbells and a bench made from my daughters’ toy chair, stepstool, and a storage box. I finished that challenge with more muscle, less fat, and way more self-esteem.
My biggest challenges
I have a terrible sweet tooth, so keeping sweets out of the house is the only way for me to stay in check. We’ve all heard the saying: “You can’t out-train a bad diet!” It is so true and that’s my struggle because I love food! I do find great joy knowing that the more muscle there is on my body, the greater the calorie requirements.
Charlotte’s workout
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