5 Small Ways To Change Your Fitness Mindset
Here’s how to tap into the power of your mind to earn yourself more powerful results in the gym or on the field.
1. Find your target
Set a goal that is specific, measureable and attainable. Schedule to run a Fall Foliage half-marathon or plan to increase your 1RM for squat by 20% in two months. Having an end goal will give you something to work towards.
2. Track your future self
Imagine yourself accomplishing your goal, whether it is performing a new skill or crossing the finish line. Visualize yourself from both first-person and third-person perspectives.
3. Have a word with yourself
During training, tell yourself: “I got this.” An internal dialog increases focus, enhances self-confidence and has measurable effects on performance. Use both motivational and instructional discourse for tasks involving accuracy for the best results, says research published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology.
4. Embrace freedom
Remind yourself that you’re not there out of obligation or for anyone else: you are there for you and you alone. You decided to work out today, so get the most out of it.
5. Avoid the pity party
Negative thoughts can decrease performance and even lead to injury. A recent study of top-level Swedish track and field athletes showed that the psychological factor ‘self-blame’ led to overtraining and increased injury. Running laps might have been a punishment in high school, but don’t punish yourself for poor performance.
Find fitness information and more in every issue of TRAIN for HER magazine.