Brooke Erickson’s Busy Mom’s Workout Plan
If the pressures of family bliss weigh heavily on your free time then use Brooke Erickson’s tips to find yourself fitter, happier and healthier.
Day 1: Back and Biceps
Pull-ups (4x failure)
Straight-arm cable (3x 8-10)
Lat pull-down (3x 8-10)
Bent-over dumbbell row (4x 8-10)
Close grip cable row (4x 6)
Cable bicep curl (5x 10)
Day 2: Lower body
Conventional deadlift (3x 12)
Stanidng cable glute kick (3x 12)
Single leg glute bridge (2x 10)
Unilateral leg press (3x 12)
Cable pull through (3x 6-8)
Single leg hamstring curl (3x 6-8)
Day 3: Rest day
Day 4: Shoulders and triceps
Standing barbell push press (4x 6)
Dumbbell lateral raisebacks (3x 12 & 2x 4-6)
Cable face pulls (3x 8-12)
Cable pulldowns (4x 6)
Weighted dips (3x 15)
Day 5: Lower body
Leg extensions (3x 12)
Hack press half reps (3x 15)
Bulgarian split squats (3x 8)
Banded reverse hyper ex (3x 15)
Dumbbell hip thrusts (1x 25, 1x 15, 1x 10)
Day 6: Shoulders and back
Dumbbell Arnold press (4x 6)
Machine seated raisebacks (3x 12)
Standing cable rear flybridge (3x 12)
Dropset plate front raises (x2)
Incline prone dumbbell rows (4x 6)
Seated scapular retractions (4x 6-8)
Single arm cable lat pulldown (3x 12)
Brooke’s tips on how to balance motherhood and your fitness
1. Remember that rest is just as important as training. If your body hasn’t been fuelled with sleep, it will struggle to function.
2. Plan ahead with your meals so you don’t find yourself feeling hungry as you are preparing meals for your family.
3. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You can only do so much in a day. If you’re not able to make the gym, you’re not a failure.
4. Incorporate your kids into your workout. I use my daughter all the time as weight. She’ll lay on my back for push-ups.
5. Use kids’ hobbies. My daughter plays soccer and, although I don’t have a clue how to play, I use her training as my cardio.
6. There is more to training than the gym. You can get just as much of a workout on a hike, bike, or even the playground.
7. Life happens when you’re a mother – kids get sick, school activities take priority. Some days will just be more exhausting.