How Becca Porter Achieved A Better Body Than She Has Ever Had
Fitter at 40, Becca Porter is a total rock star around her family and friends, as her transformation has inspired them and left them all in awe. Read on to find out about her amazing story.
Life long battle
I have struggled with weight issues since I was about 10 years old, yo-yoing my way through life but always finding myself back to plus sizes. I became a single mom at 27, gaining about 80 pounds during my pregnancy.
Educated guesses
I worked three jobs while pursuing my master’s degree. With the sheer stress of the endeavor, the weight piled on until I ballooned to a size 22. Annoyed at the example I was setting for my son, whom I always taught to eat healthily, I decided to finally do something about my weight.
Setting goals
Beyond the weight loss goals, my main motivators were to feel and look good; to be able to do the things I enjoyed again and, above all, to get healthier to ensure that I would continue to be around for my son.
Tough starting point
My initial assessment of my health was not good. My blood pressure was high, my knees and ankles hurt, and standing up was a challenge.
Motivational comments
As I worked hard to eat healthier and follow a good workout plan, people around me noticed my efforts — that made me feel amazing. That I would become a pillar of support and inspiration for others to change their lifestyles is humbling, to say the least.
Support matters
It ensured my confidence levels have soared, and I now know that I can work towards any goal I set. This feeling of empowerment, taking control of my life, is something that I’ve earned. As I continue to strive closer to my fitness goal, I will also be in the process of earning IRB approval for my PhD dissertation.
Welcome side effects
My mood swings and hot flashes from menopause have become much more manageable since undertaking this journey. Next time I need a cure for this hormonal imbalance I just pounce on the weights and tear them up.
Getting started
I joined a weight loss regime to learn how to eat, what to eat, and when to eat. I diligently stuck to it and did not cheat for 365 days, straight through.
My diet
I eat five or six times a day, three meals and two or three protein snacks, all organic. I prepare them ahead of time to make sure that, when it’s time to eat, I have something ready to go; that prevents cravings.
Baby steps
My exercise regimen included walking for at least 45 minutes every day and swimming four to five days a week at the gym. Eventually, I began pushing weights and running on the elliptical as well.
Results happen
I managed to drop about 80 pounds in the first year. In anyone’s mind, this is progress, and it made all my hard efforts worth it.
Other options
After managing to maintain my weight for three years since I started, I decided to tighten the excess skin around my stomach and hips from the rapid weight loss. Due to my age, I was told I would require surgery, but I refused.
Going it old school
The weight continued to fall off through my own hard work and discipline – the old fashioned way. I even hired a trainer to learn how to make the most of my gym time and get results.
Online support
BodySpace was a huge help as it allowed me to track my workouts on my iPhone and keep myself on track. When I needed to shake things up, new workouts from were the key. More importantly, the support network from the community is incredible — you give and you get.
Suggestions to others
We all have body image issues. Spending too much time in front of the mirror is counterproductive. Go by how you feel and how your clothes feel on you. Our heads can get the best of us and make us do some crazy things. Finally, strive for balance and be suspicious of products that seem to be a “quick fix.”
Find transformation stories and more in every issue of TRAIN for HER.