The Lower Body Band Workout
The workout is structured around supersets where one set of an exercise is performed directly after a set of a different exercise withoutrest betweenthem. Perform exercise 1A is followed by exercise 1B and then rest for 10 seconds. Complete all three sets in this manner. Once you have completed three sets, rest for 30-60 seconds to recover.
Repeat the same pattern with the remaining supersets. The band should remain taught for all exercises. The closer the band is to the ankles, the more challenging the exercise.
Superset 1
Band steps
A) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and the band just under your knees.
B) Keeping your knees bent, step forward with right leg and then the left.
Jump squats
A) Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
B) Squat down, keeping knees in line with second toes then jump up explosively. Land softly on the balls of the feet and lower back down.
Superset 2
Reverse lunges with glute pulse
A) Wrap the band around your ankles.
B) Step back into a lunge. Transfer weight to the front leg and slowly straighten the back leg, contracting the glutes.
A) Begin in a plank position with the band below your knees.
B) Keeping your feet wide, jump your them up to your hands. Sit back into heels and lower into a squat position. Repeat.
Superset 3
Resistance band reverse walk
A) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, the band just under knees.
B) Keeping your knees bent, step backward with right leg making sure to squeeze your right glute.
Plank jacks
A) Start in a plank position, with shoulders over wrists and spine in a neutral position.
B) Keeping pelvis steady, jump legs wide and then back to starting position. Keep your booty in line.
Superset 4
Lateral resistance walk
A) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart; the band just under knees.
B) Keeping your knees bent, sidestep to the left. Bring your right leg toward the left while keeping resistance.
Banded glute bridge
A) Lie on your back with the resistance band around your ankles.
B) Lift your hips up o the floor and slowly lower them down to just above the floor one side, up, and to the other side.
Superset 5
Lateral resistance walk
A) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart; the band just under knees.
B) Keeping your knees bent, sidestep to the right. Bring your left leg towards the right while keeping resistance.
Straddle crunch
A) Lie on the floor with your arms overhead; legs at a 90-degree angle.
B) Press your lower back down and tilt your chin. Exhale and open your legs while curling your torso up and forward.
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