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Is Instagram Making You Hate Your Body?

Instagram making you hate your body


Is Instagram Making You Hate Your Body?

How long do you spend on Instagram? Be honest, because scrolling for longer than 30 minutes is all it takes to become obsessed – and not in a cute way.

New research from Macquarie University and the University of New South Wales warns us against spending too much time on the popular social media app, as it’s making us fixate negatively on our bodies and appearance.

The study, which analyzed a survey from 350 Australian and American women ages 18-25, concluded that those who spend more than 30 minutes on Instagram are more likely to value their body for its appearance rather than its health and physical functions.

Unfortunately, ‘fitspiration’ and our #WCW’s like Kendall Jenner and Karlie Kloss, were pointed out as one of the key Insta-genres that made women feel unhappy about their own bodies and more likely to ‘self-objectify’ themselves.


– RELATED: 6 Ways To Help You Fall In Love With Your Body Again


Over the past year, a lot of research on Instagram has come out. The Royal Society for Publish Health (RSPH), for example, found that Instagram was the most damaging social network for mental health with Snapchat following a close second. The study exposed its negative association with our deteriorating body image and anxiety.

Shirley Cramer, chief executive of the RSPH, said: “Social media has been described as more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol.”

We know that we’d rather scroll than smoke, but if it’s having a detrimental effect on our health, how can we clean up our act?

The health experts would probably tell you to spend more time without your phone in front of your face, but we know that in this day and age, that’s not always viable.

Another option is to ensure you’re following the right kind of accounts. Aspiring to people can be healthy, however, your feed could probably do with a reality check.

Here are some awesome, down to earth accounts that will remind you that you ARE enough, just the way you are.


Megan Crabbe

“We get that you love yourself but why do you have to be half naked?” · “Put some clothes on.” · “I’m all for body positivity but this is showing too much skin” · Fact: the amount of skin a woman shows has nothing to do with how much respect she deserves OR how much she respects herself. · Fact: a woman can choose to celebrate her body in its most natural state without it being for someone else’s sexual pleasure or gratification. · Fact: thinking ‘SEX’ or ‘SLUT’ or ‘PUT SOME CLOTHES ON’ as soon as you see any kind of nudity is something that you’ve been taught by a culture that tells us women’s bodies are for the consumption of other people and never for ourselves. While hypersexualising female bodies at every turn it simultaneously teaches us that our sexuality is shameful and that our bodies are scandalous. The good thing? You can unlearn that. · Flesh doesn’t automatically equal sex. Our naked bodies are not shameful. We are just as worthy of respect dressed or undressed and how much skin we show is up to us. Take your casual misogyny and slut shaming elsewhere, and I’ll just be over here celebrating myself however I damn well please. 💜💙💚🌈🌞 #bodypositivepower Right photo: @curvykate ✨

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Christie Bailey

TRAINING FOR AESTHETICS VS TRAINING FOR STRENGTH? 🤷🏻‍♀️ . First off, let me disclaim that I don’t really post any workout vids or workout photos because I’d rather be enjoying and focusing on my workout than recording – I figure you can go to any other fitspo on IG for that 😜 . Today I deadlifted 165 – which is amazing for me because I took a 2 year hiatus from deadlifting when I was competing because I was told it made my back too thick, and because I’ve only been back at it building strength for two months. . It’s the most empowering feeling, to lift more than your body weight (I weigh 138). . I felt STRONG. I felt EMPOWERED. I felt CONFIDENT. I felt like I could take on the whole damn world. And my only purpose in deadlifting – was for that feeling. 🙌🏼 . I have been training for strength now for the past few months since deciding to not compete anymore – and I have felt all of these feelings and emotions grow within me since I started. . When I trained for aesthetics only (mostly due to my competing aspirations) – I grew easily bored with the gym but couldn’t figure out why. When I trained for aesthetics only, I did ENDLESS cable kickbacks and intricate glute exercises in the hopes that my butt would grow. Cause well, that’s what people told me I should do if I wanted to compete / be in the fitness world. 🙄 . During those two years of aesthetics-only focus, I forgot what it was like to lift solely for me. For my inner strength. Because it was a passion that made the rest of my life better. 💕 . A lot of people come to me saying they want to grow their self-worth and self confidence by changing their bodies, getting leaner, more toned, bigger glutes, etc. . And I’m here to tell you that without that inner strength, it won’t matter what you look like on the outside. . Train because you love it. Because its the breath of fresh air in your chaotic day. Because it makes you feel good, and influences you to make better choices throughout the rest of your day. . TRAIN TO BE STRONG. The aesthetics will come as a result of you loving being at the gym so much that consistency becomes a natural part of your life.

A post shared by Christie Bailey IFBB Pro (@christie__bailey) on


Andrea Allen

Every “BODY” jiggles!!!! Please like or comment if this was good to see!!! I can flex a muscle and it can look firm and tight and I can jiggle that same muscle seconds later😂😂and giggle at the insanity of this video😜!!! That’s just REAL LIFE. Not everyone looks firm and toned during every movement like advertising and social media portray. I had three kids and yes my stomach sags as I bend over & I can make my thighs shake like no ones business! It just doesn’t matter!! I am healthy! So stop feeling discouraged about every curve and bend you make and how your body looks doing it . And remember all your favorite Instagram people got some jiggle too😘 Ain’t no shame in a little jiggle game😂😘🤣

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Dani Guy

Be honest. Be real. Be true to yourself. Be transparent. Because at the end of the day, the only one you’ll truly let down, is yourself. It’s easy to appear somewhat different online than you do in real life. There’s nothing wrong with showing your best, but just remember if someone shows your their best, it doesn’t mean you have to live to their standards or aim for a “trending” body type. You just do what your best is. Be you. Be badass. And one thing I say time and time again that I will ALWAYS stand by; don’t give a fuck what anyone else is doing or what they think 👊🏾 Beauty comes from within. It comes from being kind, being compassionate, being vulnerable, and loving strong. So fuck “beauty standards”. There is no ‘perfect’ way to be, just YOUR best!

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Iskra Lawrence


Ashley Graham


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