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Stephanie Hammermeister’s Hard Body Workout Plan

woman in gym clothes with small barbell


Stephanie Hammermeister’s Hard Body Workout Plan

Build strength, power and fitness using this professional level total body plan that’ll transform your shape in a matter of weeks.


Why does it work?


1. A natural high

You’ll improve confidence, self-esteem, your mood, and manage symptoms of stress and anxiety. Lifting heavy weights and hitting PBs that once seemed impossible can be extremely rewarding.


2. Anti-aging

A study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine in 2003 found weight training to be effective in increasing muscle mass and strength in addition to improving bone density, too.


3. Lose the belly fat

A University of Alabama study found that the women who lifted weights lost more intra-abdominal fat (deep belly fat) than those who just did cardio. Weightlifting will improve your posture, strengthen your core and help with balance, which is especially important in older women.


4. Meet personal and career goals

Weight lifting requires discipline and focus. To get fit and strong you need to prioritize, plan and goal set on a weekly basis. The good news is that if you train regularly you’ll see results.


5. Improved sleep quality

Getting a good night’s sleep is the Holy Grail for some. Recent research by Appalachian State University found that weight training can improve your sleep and have the same effect as a warm bath before bed.


The workout plan


Day 1: Legs

*Warm up: 5 min brisk pace on treadmill or on bike.

leg workout table


Day 2: Back

*Warm up: 15lb dumbbell single arm rows – 20 each side.

back workout table


Day 3: Rest day


Day 4: Shoulders

*Warm up: 10lb lateral raises – 20 reps then stretch.

shoulder workout table


Day 5: Arms

*Warm up: 7.5lb curls – 20 reps then stretch.

arms workout table


Day 6: Full body

*Warm up: brisk pace bike for five mins then stretch.

full body workout table


Day 7: Rest day


Meal plan

Meal 1: 5 egg whites, 1-cup spinach, 1/3-cup oats, 1/2 grapefruit.

Meal 2: 4oz chicken breast, green beans, 12 almonds.

Meal 3: 4oz extra lean ground turkey, 1/3-cup sweet potato, Brussels sprouts.

Meal 4: 4oz chicken breast, asparagus.

Meal 5: 1 scoop MSI Lean Whey protein, 2 slices Ezekiel bread, 2tbs peanut butter.

Meal 6: 4.5oz extra lean ground turkey, peppers/onions, green beans.

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Stephanie Hammermeister

IFBB pro figure Olympian and ISSA certified PT.

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