We Answer Your Top Health And Fitness This Week
Each week our resident expert Samantha answers your health, life and fitness questions right here. Samantha Ann Leete is a fitness model with a passion for brownies who helps others strike the right balance with her realistic approach to health and fitness.
Yoga or Pilates? Which is better for your body and why?
That really depends: it’s a personal thing. Both will provide benefits of increased flexibility and strength but yoga is great for stretching, and Pilates is better for strengthening your entire body.
If you have lower back issues, I don’t advise yoga because of the stress on your lower back in some of the positions. With either, don’t be discouraged if you take a class and don’t like it. There are so many instructors with different styles and there’s a good chance it was the style of instructing you didn’t like, not necessarily the activity.
How many reps and sets should I be doing when weightlifting?
Trying to build a workout program that is perfectly in sync with your goals can be tough. We’ve all heard the old saying ‘low reps build and high reps tone,’ but is that really true? There are many paths that lead to the same road – but there are some general guidelines when it comes to rep ranges and sets.
First, let’s talk high reps. If you’ve ever tried to do sets of more than 15 reps, you know it can leave you exhausted and make 10lb feel like 50lb by the 30th rep. Training in this 15-ormore rep zone is great for increasing muscular endurance and conditioning – making you more
A moderate rep range, 8-12 reps, coupled with a challenging weight is generally the best range for muscle building.
And finally, the low rep range of five or fewer will make you strong. Contrary to the old saying, you won’t be taking on the size in this rep range, just gaining the strength of an ox.
As for sets, a general rule is the more reps you’re doing per set, the fewer sets you should do. If you’re doing fewer reps, do more sets.
As you can see, based on your specific goal and what rep range is most ideal for it, you have quit a few set/rep combinations to choose from that will have you on your way to success in no time.
Is it safe to supplement with BCAAs while pregnant or breastfeeding?
Supplementing while pregnant or breastfeeding is confusing for many women because the majority of the information out there advises us to take as few unnecessary supplements as possible while carrying a child.
The reason for this is often not necessarily because it’s known certain supplements are dangerous or harmful, but maybe because not enough research has been done on the subject and experts are advising mothers and moms-to be to play it safe rather than be sorry.
Any time you are considering taking a new supplement while pregnant or breastfeeding, it’s very important to consult with your doctor. Show them the label of the product you’re considering taking, discuss the ingredients and get their professional opinion.
Thanks to the trend of ‘fit pregnancies,’ many women have decided to share the supplements they’ve been taking with their unborn child or new baby, and BCAAs are one example.
If you talk with your doctor and decide a variety of supplement is safe for you and your baby, I recommend finding one with minimal ingredients that don’t contain added constituents like caffeine or beta-alanine.
Find expert advice and more in every issue of TRAIN for HER magazine.